Relationship coaching
Do you have the feeling that things are not going so well in your relationship anymore? Do you often argue or does it get quieter between the two of you? Or do you experience more and more tension when you are together? Then doing nothing is not an option, because it will probably go from bad to worse. Then the frustrations and pent-up emotions only increase.
Relationship coaching can often offer a solution. It starts with the willingness to look at what's really going on. Because the visible symptoms such as arguments, silence, reproach, anger and defensive reactions are all the result of underlying feelings of, for example, powerlessness, sadness or shame. If you don't break this negative spiral, you will lose each other more and more.
´´"Between what is said and not meant, and what is meant and not said, most of love is lost" - Kahlil Gibran
In relationship coaching, we work with you to find the causes of the issues and we look at the possibilities to get out of the negative spiral. We certainly don't get stuck too long in analyzing the causes (they lie in the past and you can't change the past anyway) but mainly look at the present and the future: what can you do differently now so that the future is a beautiful one again....
It's never too late to make a difference, as long as you and your partner are willing to speak openly and honestly about your feelings, frustrations and needs and really listen to each other. Open and honest communication is always key.
All anger and frustration are essentially nothing more or less than love that can no longer flow freely. Returning to that source of love in yourself and in each other is the essence of the coaching.
It's never too late to make a difference, as long as you and your partner are willing to speak openly and honestly about your feelings, frustrations and needs and really listen to each other. Open and honest communication is always key. Coaching one of the partners can also work very good to make positive changes in a relationship. It doesn't really matter where you start of who starts, as long as something new is happening and someboddy steps out of the comfort-zone.